Social welfare and Rehabilitation organization (SWRO) WPHF Project Report 2022
Report of project activities
Project Name: Supporting SWRO Institutional Capacity building in Promoting EVAW, Women’s
Project location: Kabul province.
Implementer: Social Welfare and Reconstruction Institute (SWRO)
Project: Supporting SWRO Institutional Capacity building in Promoting EVAW, Women’s
Reporting date: 13. March.2022
Date covered :30. Sep.2022
SWRO- UN-WOMEN funded Project Key progress and achievements
Key Achievement
Staffing Progress as per planned activities
1. 10 number of staff placed on payroll as on March 2022.
2. Regular grant transfer to SWRO to timely meet organization core cost
3. Supported SWRO to build working relationship with other network, likeminded NGOs, WCLRF, AGHO, AWN, KWA, CARE, Search, TELO, IDLO, ASPO
4. Enabled SWRO to apply for new funding (FSAC, WFP)
Office operation
- Regular and timely payment to suppliers, rental spaces, placed SWRO in a better position to function as an organization.
Good point of contact for organization staff to lead their role in the organization
Staff Capacity building and coaching to work effectively and efficiently:
- 10 of SWRO Participated in Humanitarian Response Project Planning, implementation and reporting.
- SWRO main office staff learned and improve their capacity on other important topics which is key to the organization such as Safeguarding CHS, FSAC Guideline, Cash Distribution Guideline, Accountability to Affected Population, Information Sharing, Complain and Feedback Mechanism, Gender mainstreaming sexual harassment policy, Gender policy, security policy
SWRO Policies guideline development on Humanitarian Response
- Develop Humanitarian Response tools, templates then on need assessment, beneficiary selection, leave let food distribution cash distribution sop CRM, logbook
- Policy Mahram, Cash assistance Standard Operating Procedures etc.
- Networking/Participation in cluster
- Managed membership in the Cluster membership: FSAC, WASH, Nutrition, CVWG (Protection and GIHA in pipeline)
- Through this project we participated in different clusters meeting Regular in person + hybrid participation in cluster, working groups AWN, ACBAR
- Like minded organization coordination +collaboration relationship meeting with WCLRF, AGHO, IDLO, TLO, AWEC, CWDO, AWSDC
Overall progress as per planned activities 100%
Immediate impact of the grant
Success/gain made so far:
- The SWRO management +operation staff capacity improved in planned implementation and reporting on Humanitarian Response Project.
- Through active participation in FSAC meeting, SWRO has submitted 3 concept notes (2 approved and one in pipeline)
- Two full proposal to FSAC Approved:
- Livelihood Support to IPC 3,4 People Through Seeds Distribution and Training funded by UN-OCHA
- Provision of Cash for Food Assistance to Vulnerable Households in Balkh province Funded by UN-OCHA
- SWRO has successfully completed one project of FSAC in Balkh providing livelihood support to 1500 male and 1500 female households in this project SWRO distribute 4 kinds of seeds to all Vulnerable household’s in Balkh
- SWRO has just started cash Assistance project which will reach out 1180(50% female HH) households in Balkh Provinces through UNOCHA.
- SWRO built collaboration with WFP for possible Partnership on food distribution new approach.
SWRO submitted 2 proposals on food for Assets cash for food and school feeding projects to WFP no response yet.